Industrial Flooring Glossary


Sagging: The result of applying a coating too heavily to a vertical surface (wall or wall base) which causes the coating to run down the surface.

Scarify: Mechanical impaction (chipping) of a concrete surface by rotary application of steel cutters.

Screed Box: A steel box with an open top and height-adjustable bottom opening that allows an overlay mix to be applied at a uniform thickness.

Screen: To sand a coating or sealer using a floor machine with a grit screen attachment.

Seed: To broadcast dry sand or grit over an uncured (wet) floor coating to provide an anti-slip finish.

Shadowing: A dark or discoloured area that is visible through a pigmented coating.

Shot Blast: Mechanical preparation by impacting steel shot onto a floor surface at a high speed.

Solvent Wash: Removes surface oil from a concrete surface to establish a superior bond between surface and coating.


Underlay: Grout mix with a high ratio of filler, used to fill in large holes, re-slope, create ramps, etc., before the application of an overlay or floor coating.

Wet Grinding: Grinding with water flowing onto the point of grinding, or grinding with the floor surface flooded.